We provide free estimates on clock repairs bought to us prior to starting. Occasionally, we see something that will increase the price while carrying out the clock repair. You will always be informed if any clock repairs require any extra work given the option of whether to proceed, including different options if there are any.
Clock Repairs and Services
Every antique clock repaired by us is completely overhauled.
Clocks stop for many different reasons and causes. The most common reason is the wear on the pivots, lifting levers, strike wheel pins and any other place where there is contact between parts. Even the slightest bit of wear on the pivots of a clock may stop it.
When we overhaul a clock we strip the clock to its component parts checking for wear on each part and and removing it.
Wearing of the pivots is by far the most common cause for a clock to stop and for clock repairs need to be carried out. Removing the wear from pinions is done in the lathe using specialist files and burnishers, a process known as refacing pinions. This causes the pivots to reduce in size by hundredths of a millimetre. Left like this causes movement between the pinion and wheel and the potential for them to bind. To remove the movement bushes are fitted into the clock plate, ensuring there is virtually no lateral movement of the pinion.
It is also common to find worn pivot holes, where the pivot hole has worn into an elongated shape. When this occurs the pivot hole must be re-centred and then bushed as previously.
Fusee and grandfather clock barrels are relined where necessary.
In spring driven clocks such as Garrard clocks, Smiths clocks, Fusee Clocks and many wall clocks, we replace broken or worn main springs, or sometimes we can repair the clock mainspring. We use specialised equipment to remove and replace the springs to avoid clock spring damage when carrying out clock repairs.
Clocks with a metallic silvered appearance are brass dials that have been silvered.
For example Grandfather / Long Case clocks with brass back plates and silvered chapter rings or completely silvered Bracket Clock dials.
The silvered finish becomes worn and blackened over time, we can restore a tired looking dial to its original condition.
During restoration we dismantle the dial and take each part back down to its base brass layer. We then polish or clean the parts. The silvered parts are then treated to restore the silvered appearance and laqured to ensure the longevity of the finish.
Painted dials can be touched up where there are chips or more extensive restorations can sympathetically be carried out. Painted dials are carried out by a specialised dial painter.
We provide a case restoration service by one of the most skillful cabinet makers we know of. We can carry out minor repairs and polishing to completely rebuilding broken cases.
Over many decades the wheels wears steps into the pinions which causes the wheel to bind in the step and jam the clock.
Where possible we move pinions and wheels to run on good parts of the pinion. This may not be possible due to excessive wear or broken pinions and / or wheels. It may then be necessary to cut a new pinion and arbor and remount the wheel on the new arbour.
Where wheel are broken we repair the wheel or, where this is not possible, cut a new wheel.